GHW Curricula
An important way of learning can be through structured courses that provide working knowledge on various mental health topics. Learn more about GHW's upcoming curricula for Foundational Mental Health Training, as well as the current work of Brené Brown.
To learn more about our upcoming training dates, click here.

March 2024 registration - now open!
Know any current or future babysitters, camp counselors, referees, coaching staff, or other teens who could benefit from foundational mental health training? Our two-hour training covers all the basics and provides participants with a certificate of completion! This is a great skillset to have, whether it's for work, resume-building, or personal interest.

What is the Daring Way™?
The Daring Way™ is a highly experiential methodology based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown. Doing the work involves exploring topics such as vulnerability, courage, shame, and worthiness. Participants are invited to examine the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that are holding them back and identify the new choices and practices that will move them toward more authentic and wholehearted living. The primary focus is on developing shame resilience skills and developing daily practices that transform the way we live, love, parent, and lead.
Dr. Kathleen Wawrzyniak Webb is our in-house Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator. She offers in-person and online workshops, intensives, and retreats on the Daring Way™ methodology and its three curriculums. She is also able to incorporate the work into individual psychotherapy sessions. Dr. Webb can also tailor workshops to specific organizations or group needs. Reach out to inquire!
Here’s how Brené describes the progression of her work:
The Gifts of Imperfection™ curriculum– Be you.
Daring Greatly™ curriculum – Be all in.
Rising Strong™ curriculum – Fall. Get up. Try again.
Further information is available at